Super Scary Mario


''Warning, this is a very scary thingymabob. You should scream like a girl and run around like Justin Beiber is trying to molest your no no square.''

Yesterday I was walking around my town, and I got a game of Super No One Cares. Something was different though. Mario had a weird outfit, and was staring at me. The game must have been made by a 5 year old, because next to him was a hyper realistic scary misspelled word. "EBUL" I ran home and put the game in my xbox one. Hyper realistic blood came out, but I ignored it because my xbox usually does that. Then it got oh so super scary. Mario flew out of my screen and slapped me like the little bitch I was. Mario was wearing the same outfit from before, which scared me for some reason. He then pulled a sonic.exe shaped dildotron 2000 out and tryed to make me feel good. I got scared and kicked him in the balls. He screamed and shot me with a Sniper Rifle. It hurt like a mother fucker. Insert unoriginal cliche shit here. I'm new to trollpasta blah blah blah.